Become an Associate Professional

If you have graduated with a degree, with at least 3 years of academic formation in any field, at least one year of which is in Human Factors/Ergonomics, and one full time year of supervised practice in Human Factors/Ergonomics, you are eligible for Associate Professional Membership. Associate Professional Membership is a steppingstone to Certified Professional Membership.

Further information

  • You may have previously been certified but have not maintained the currency of practice that is reflected in Certified Professional Membership. 
  • You may have previously been registered or certified in other countries with similar requirements for certification but be in the process of gaining a year's experience in New Zealand before gaining HFESNZ Certified Professional Membership. During this year the requirements are that you develop links with the New Zealand HFE professional community, learn more about the health and safety legislation and environment in New Zealand, and become familiar with Treaty of Waitangi and cultural issues that will enable you to work effectively here. 
  • Work is afoot to develop the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme to include all Professional Membership grades. 

Contact the Convenor by clicking here to email  for the application package for Associate Professional membership. 

Read more details about the benefits of membership and join our community today!

Join us as an Associate Professional member

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Yes, you can apply to become a Certified Member. You will need a minimum of three years’ experience, and a broad knowledge and experience of ergonomics for Certified Membership. You should read the information about Certified Membership as soon as you become an Associate Member.

Application fee $75 +GST, Annual Membership Fee $250 +GST.

It is recommended that Associate Professional Members hold Professional Indemnity, Public Liability and Statutory Liability insurances.

Associate Professional Members may refer to themselves as either an Ergonomist or Human Factors Professional, using the title: Associate NZ Human Factors and Ergonomics Professional or Associate NZ Ergonomist or Associate NZ Human Factors Professional, and the post-nominal AssocNZHFE.

Associate Professional Members must abide a Code of Conduct, and a Complaints and Disciplinary Process applies to these members.