HFE News
The Society publishes the monthly 'HFE-News' distributed to members via email. The newsletter contains recent and future events, announcements and job opportunities.
You can also raise your profile by publishing something in the newsletter. If you want to publish something in the newsletter, please contact news@hfesnz.org.nz
IEA NewsBrief Articles
CIEHF Newsletter
An arrangement with UK's Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) also allows HFESNZ members to purchase a subscription to receive the bi-monthly 'The Ergonomist' for more news from the profession. Contact the administrator to arrange this. It will cost around NZ$120 per annum for 6 publications full of great human factors and ergonomics news and information. These will be delivered direct to your door - or wherever your postie leaves it. Always a good read.